Each year the Prime Minister hosts a reception at No. 10 Downing Street to celebrate Eid. This year the event was held on Monday 21 October.
Invitations to this event are always highly sought after. Accordingly we were very pleased that a number of members of the Conservative Muslim Forum were able to attend. The Prime Minister also made an excellent speech which amongst other things recognised the contributions that Muslims play in the life of our country. A brief extract is below:
So, a very warm welcome to Number 10. Tonight is about celebrating the contribution that British Muslims make to our country. It is a huge contribution. It’s one I’m happy to celebrate here, but also to talk about these issues of integration, of how we help Muslims around the world, and also the importance during this time of religious festivals – the importance of our faith, not just for us and our relationship with our maker, but also what we contribute to our country and to our communities. And the Muslim faith is so strong in that, and I have huge respect for everything you do.
The full text of the PM’s speech is at this link.
Below is Shaheen Mahmood, CMF Administrator with the Prime Minister. Mohammed Afzal, Chairman of Manchester City Conservatives, is behind the PM’s right shoulder.
Below is a group photo of several members of the Executive with Carl Arrindell, Director of International Operations and Head of News & Current Affairs at the Islam Channel. From the left, Samir Thantrey, Carl Arrindell, Cllr Asif Ayub, Dr Altaf Hussain, Ash Zaman.
Below is Executive member Raja Najabat Hussain in conversation with the Prime Minister while Samir Thantrey is at the left of the picture.
Below is Manchester City Conservatives Chairman Mohammed Afzal with the Prime Minister.
Below is Mahboob Ahmed from the Conservative Muslim Forum North West with the Prime Minister.
Below is Executive member Cllr Asif Ayub with the Prime Minister.
Below is Executive member Ash Zaman with the Prime Minister.
Below is Executive member Raza Anjum with the Prime Minister.
Some our our people were also photographed outside No 10. In the picture below, from left to right: Cllr Asif Ayub, Samir Thantrey, Ash Zaman, Lady Sheikh, Shaheen Mahmood, Cllr Altaf Hussain.