CMF Annual General Meeting

Report on the CMF Annual General Meeting held on 28 January 2011.

Thirty members attended the AGM which was held in Committee Room 4A of the House of Lords. In addition, two non-members, Mr Iqbal Asaria and Mr Paul Riat attended to act as tellers, supervising the issue of ballot papers and then counting the votes.

As with all CMF events, we commenced with a Quran recitation.

The Treasurer Navshir Jaffer presented the CMF’s accounts to the meeting, and they were approved.

Under the CMF Constitution, the office bearers and members of the Executive are elected for three year terms.

The Chairman Lord Sheikh, the Vice Chairman Mohammed Amin and the Treasurer Navshir Jaffer were re-elected unopposed.

Arif Hussain was re-elected for the post of Secretary.

Sixteen individuals stood for the nine places on the Executive. Those elected were Lady Sheikh, Dr Farrukh Hussain, Cllr Raza Anjum, Cllr Mohammed Bhatti, Samir Thantrey, Ali Azeem, Karim Sacoor and Yousuf Miah.

Lord Sheikh thanked all of the candidates who had stood in the elections, reminding everyone that democratic elections are impossible without people who are willing to offer themselves for the positions being elected.

about author


The Conservative Muslim Forum was founded by Lord Sheikh in 2005. All of its members are full members of the Conservative Party.